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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
IRIS career options for you 16
IST trust for the best 37
IT certificate for panchaya 41
IVANO a passion for fashion 24
IXOGEL for all kinds of pai 5
J4U just for you 25
JAGUAR plus for men +cat 25
JE briefs for awakened soul 25
JFK-just for kids 18
JFU just for u 25
JFW just for women 16
JKM caring for customers 36, 37
JUST ME for men paris HILTO 18
KARIGAR for men 25
KEVIN'S for men & women hai 42
KLINODERM for healthy skin 3
KO science for better healt 5
LASCO just for kids +tooth 3
LASOCKI fashion for men 25
LAVANA for men 25
LIFEBUOY for health +man 3
LIVER CARE for healthy live 42
LYEMEX time for a life time 14
M fashions for tommorow 25
M'ESCOS OPTIONS for women 18
MARC AUSTIN fabric for life 24
MASSAGE-ALL good for all 3
MAXI SEAL sealer for grout 35
MFL more for less 25
MICROHOMES homes for masses 37
MID DAY race for pace +man 16
MMI for happier homes 11
MOFFI the high class for yo 25
MOFFY the high class for yo 25
MOFI the high class for you 25
MOIST for dry skin 3
MONYPLUS for a life plus 36
MORE quality for you 1, 9, 35, 42
MORE quality for you +squar 10
N NASHUA for clear business 16
NAFE nation for ever +lines 35
NARAD for whitest washing 3
NCC quality for sure 7
NEW MARUTHUA for women 5
NIEH caring for man kind 35
NIMA winner for health 3
NORTHEND fashion for life 25
NORTHEND fashion for living 25
NOVOTEL designed for natura 42
NUCON TONER for use in CANO 2
NUTAN ethnic wear for women 35
O' CHILL promise for purity 32
OHM overall hygiene for men 3
OTTAGO go for passion 25
OXEMBERG ready for anything 36
PANASONIC ideas for life 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 40
PANTRA for intravenous use 35
PARKER lpg gaskit for cars 12
PATEL brand for quality 6
PEEK A BOO club for cubs 28
PELAME salon for women 44
PERKINELMER-for the better 1, 9, 41, 42
PGI quest for excellence 9
PILMA for piles +cross 5
PINOK just for you 25
PNL fittings for furniture 6
POLICE SHERIFF for men +man 3
POWERICA a promise for powe 9, 37
PRO GRO proteins for growth 29, 30
PRO-ply ply for life +arcs 19
PROMISE just for kids 3
Q quality for customers 16
QWAN for sp 9
R RED LETTERS for every goo 35
R more for less +circle 9, 16
R more for your spend 9, 16
R more benefit for less 16
R more value for less 9
R more value for less +flam 16
RAGS t-shirts for the rich 25
RANUTROL for yo 6
RASVIHAR jewellery for life 14, 35
REBEL just for you +cartoon 30
RED PETALS for modemoiselle 25
REHAIR care for your hair 3
RELIANCE for you 42
RELIANCE MOBILE go for it 16
RG for the rich +arrow 25
ROBUSTA built for life 9
RUDRA oil for hair care 3
RUN INDIA fitness for life 41
S AJANTA'S salon for he she 44
S PAUL for PAUL SALON 24, 25
SAB'S institute for mobile 41
SARAL-al easy-for-all 10
SAT systems for automation 9
SATVANNA nutrition for life 41
SAVAGE for men 3
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